As part of my new years resolutions (update soon!) I have vowed to start making my blog more interesting, thus the first installment of 'Designer Spotlight'. Basically, i'll ramble on a bit about some random new designer who I like and then post a few pictures. - Thrilling, I know.So, Januarys' lucky winner is the brilliant Sophie Hulme, I'm guessing to most of you she needs no introduction, but for those of you who have never heard of her Sophie Hulme came straight from Kingston University as a fashion graduate and went straight into designing her own line. That shows some pretty admirable confidence and gumption, no? Her first collection went on sale in high end places such as Selfridges and Harrods, skyrocketing her to success.
She is known for her strong military influence that is easily recognised throughout her collections but also has a 'signature charm' for that particular collection that you can collect. She has used a whistle for her latest collection which sets them off really well.
Her sequined parka is probably one of her more notable pieces but she uses alot of bows and seqiuns and militry esq materials, which is so refreshing!
"First I go out and spend time finding interesting old pieces and objects which always contribute to my ideas. I then work with these pieces and an overall idea running alongside. Generally the concept will give me ideas of how to rework or treat found things. I'm planning on running each concept in 2 season blocks so the collection can evolve without being too stilted." - Scoute.orgRumour has it that her future collections will be very different, including lots of print and textures, she has also mentioned that she would be interested in doing jewellery, dresses and eventually, and transition into menswear - watch this space! I would love to see a similaly military structed collection for men, I hope that is on the agenda... I see alot of resembelences between her and All Saints, but all her collections just seems alot more polished and thought out I guess.
What is also exciting is that by not going anywhere else before designing her own collection it has just been BAM, all her own stuff, which I feel is often taken away when designers go job shopping before eventually designing their own collection. I think this is can be seen in people like Marc Jacobs, who designed for Perry Ellis (who died before jacobs even started there), I feel had jacobs gone into his collection straight away, it might be slightly more creative, but this is just my opinion, I like really out there pieces, alot of you guys will probably appreciate how polished Marc jacobs collections are nowadays...
So, here it is, my very first designer spotlight! Depending on your guys reaction I will or will not carry this on - give me your feedback!
- Photo's from
I think it is very interesting to learn about new fashion and the people who create it. Keep up the good work :)
Thanks for following my blog!
I really like the pictures on your blog.
I have the exact same resolution as you. Someone commented on my blog saying it was boring and giving me tips on what to do to spice up my blog. I like your blog though. So far I like it a lot better then my own.
Your astrological sign is Capricorn?
Another January birthday?
Hi there-a great post, I've not heard of her before, so thanks for sharing! thanks for stopping by too!
Great idea to do a designer spotlight, was thinking of something like that too! Really enjoyed this post. Thank-you for your comment too, truly appreciate it. I'll definitely be swinging by here more often! xxx
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