Saturday, 10 January 2009

Rodarte, Rodarte

I think I love you more than words.
I'm sure i'm with most girls/boys here when I say I would love to have a sneak peak into the minds of the Rodarte sisters, they are such unconventional 'fashion designers'. Well that's probably just me.But for starters, they don't seem to be up their own ... which is refreshing!
Kate and Laura Mulleavy are together, one of the most sought after designing team in the world, and seem to have become world renound in a matter of six months from their first collection.
Since 2005, Rodarte, named after the girls maiden names, has been consistantly eye catching, creative and generally making young women everywhere lust over their killer gloves!
They hand stitch almost everything! Which sort of accounts for their couture-esq prices. But it is the etheral beauty of it all, which really makes my heart stop. No other collection, that I have seen recently, do I love as much as the work coming out of the Mulleavy sisters.
I think I cried a little when I first saw these shoes, the bringing together of all my favourite things, studs, christina loubution, a killer platfrom, and the stark contrast of the demonic looking shoes with the spider web tights gives me chills!
I get the sense from this pair of californian sisters that this is why I love fashion, they create things that have the ability to take my breath away, and not only have they done it once, but with every collection I have seen them create, they constantly make me feel completely inadequate.


Why do you like fashion?
What piece of clothing, or collection has ever took your breath away?

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Birthday shenannigans...

Here's a few quick photos to explain my absence over the last couple of days - sorry guys!
p.s it's been my birthday

sigh, yes, that is a Jonas Brothers DVD....oh the shame.

My ultimate life goal is to Marry, and have lots of babies with Louis Theroux, anyone with me?

My lovely new hooker boots, I'm slightly concerned that the platforms to my shoes only seem to be getting higher!

We went out to Frankie and Bennys' and I treated myself to a double burger Manhatten burger, it was not finished unsurprisingly!

me and my little sis, this is such a flattering picture...


This is wrong on so many levels.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

It was my birthday yesterday!

So sorry for the lack of posting, 16th birthday celebrations have happened for the last couple of days (mostly because I went back to school on my birthday) and so I haven't had an awful lot of time to ctah up with things in the blogsphere, will try to reply to all your lovely comments ASAP. Thank you for all being so lovely to me since I've started blogging again, It's great to hear from everyone!

I've had lots of lovely presents! I'll try and post up so photos of my gorgeous new boots at some point tommorow when I have more time...

Anyway, on with the new years resolutions....

New years resolution two. Of Ten
start to take more photos.
I'm going to Italy and France in the summer, and I will be darned if I don't start to take more photographs, I've always been in the habit of taking photos, but they are always quite random, of nothing imparticular...
So, befor the summer I will try to invest in a half decent SLR, and start getting snappy! I might, at a push start to post a few more photos on my blog, but I can assure you they will probably be out of focus and too sunny!
Is anyone going anywhere nice over the summer? I've never been to Italy before so I am dead excited about that, but my family use to go to france quite alot, and there is not anywhere I prefer to be....

Sunday, 4 January 2009


Stop lusting after things I can't afford.
One day, one day I will be able to afford that talon cuff by Pamela love, and so, with that fact in mind, one of my new years resolutions is to stop lusting after things that I can't have, right at the very second, because inevitably, they will be mine one day. Look at it though, it's perfect, I'm not sure if I've ever wanted a piece of jewellery this much *and because i'm not a jewellery person* I really should have it right now. What's stopping me, oh just the $900 dollar price tag that would'nt even seem as cheap because the £ is loosing value like no tommorow, or the fact it's heavily backordered. sigh, one day Pamela, one day.


Saturday, 3 January 2009


As part of my new years resolutions (update soon!) I have vowed to start making my blog more interesting, thus the first installment of 'Designer Spotlight'. Basically, i'll ramble on a bit about some random new designer who I like and then post a few pictures. - Thrilling, I know.

So, Januarys' lucky winner is the brilliant Sophie Hulme, I'm guessing to most of you she needs no introduction, but for those of you who have never heard of her Sophie Hulme came straight from Kingston University as a fashion graduate and went straight into designing her own line. That shows some pretty admirable confidence and gumption, no? Her first collection went on sale in high end places such as Selfridges and Harrods, skyrocketing her to success.

She is known for her strong military influence that is easily recognised throughout her collections but also has a 'signature charm' for that particular collection that you can collect. She has used a whistle for her latest collection which sets them off really well.

Her sequined parka is probably one of her more notable pieces but she uses alot of bows and seqiuns and militry esq materials, which is so refreshing!
"First I go out and spend time finding interesting old pieces and objects which always contribute to my ideas. I then work with these pieces and an overall idea running alongside. Generally the concept will give me ideas of how to rework or treat found things. I'm planning on running each concept in 2 season blocks so the collection can evolve without being too stilted." -
Rumour has it that her future collections will be very different, including lots of print and textures, she has also mentioned that she would be interested in doing jewellery, dresses and eventually, and transition into menswear - watch this space! I would love to see a similaly military structed collection for men, I hope that is on the agenda... I see alot of resembelences between her and All Saints, but all her collections just seems alot more polished and thought out I guess.

What is also exciting is that by not going anywhere else before designing her own collection it has just been BAM, all her own stuff, which I feel is often taken away when designers go job shopping before eventually designing their own collection. I think this is can be seen in people like Marc Jacobs, who designed for Perry Ellis (who died before jacobs even started there), I feel had jacobs gone into his collection straight away, it might be slightly more creative, but this is just my opinion, I like really out there pieces, alot of you guys will probably appreciate how polished Marc jacobs collections are nowadays...

So, here it is, my very first designer spotlight! Depending on your guys reaction I will or will not carry this on - give me your feedback!
- Photo's from


Alex went to my school, and everyone was like WOW when she got 3rd in Ford model of the world.
This is mad
she is SO nice and I never would of thought she would of got BURBERRY with TESTINO in one of her first seasons - but she clinched it!


Photo from fotodecadent she's first in on the left

Friday, 2 January 2009

Goodevening, Mr Walker.

"This is Tim Walker's checklist for a Christmas shoot in Essex: 20 ballerinas, 17 'mirrored' geese, 250 ostrich eggs (sprayed gold), a box of giant plastic hands, a room full of white umbrellas, 20 Christmas trees, a wolf's head-and-feet costume, a giant pumpkin, fake silver armour, a horse (also sprayed gold), hundreds of 'Arabian Nights' oil lamps, and racks of dresses, costumes and ballerina tutus.

'And lots of rabbits from Norfolk,' Sophie Baudrand, Vogue's fashion-budget supremo, recalls, 'special ones that didn't fornicate, supposedly…' In addition, Vogue bought a vintage Rolls-Royce - cheaper than risking damaging a hired one in a field. 'Fashion Pantomime' was one of Vogue's most expensive few days outdoors. 'I think I've mostly blocked it out,' Baudrand, good fairy to Walker's spendthrift pixie, says."

-The Telegraph

My favorite fashion photographer? Easy, Mr Tim Walker has it all, and great eye for layout and design, a wonderfully childlike creative imagination, ridiculous amounts of magazines gagging for his editorials AND he's British of course. Mr Walker, we love you!
Whimsical, ethereal, beautiful.


Thursday, 1 January 2009

my greatest inspiration, Helen Suzman.

you are the true meaning of hope in this world.
may your word now speak through those who listened.
she is irrelevant in fashion, but some things are more important. Rest in peace.


Hope you didn't partay to hard last night, I didn't manage to get out of bed till about 12...

"Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. ~Hal Borland"

This year has been the most exciting of my life sofar, first and foremost because I feel that the things that have happened in 2009 will shape the future for people like me.


“What we cannot do is turn our heads and look away, and hope that this will somehow disappear, because if we do, they will; they will disappear and an entire generation of people will be gone."
